Darglow Flex-O-Fold Propellers


Darglow Flex-O-Fold Propellers(1)


Danish Flex-O-Fold folding propellers

Darglow is a long-standing supplier of the Danish Flex-O- Fold range, which represents the current state of the art in folding propellers. Due to greatly improved blade design, these modern propellers now offer thrust comparable to fixed propellers in forward and powerful thrust in reverse thanks to improved weight distribution, blade area and shape. Because of their low drag profile under sail, average sailing speeds can increase by as much as 15% compared to fixed 3 bladed propellers.

Available in sizes from 12” to 22” diameter, Flex-O-Fold prop’s can efficiently absorb from 7 to 100hp.

Two and three blade Flex-O-Fold propeller options available to choose from

When it comes to propellers, Darglow can help and advise on the exact requirements to suit you own particular needs.

Flexofold low drag folding propellers are suitable for sailboats and multihull yachts.

The folding propellers are available as 2-Blade, 2-Blade racing and 3-Blade in multiple sizes and pitches. All delivered for both shaft- and sail drive installation.

What propeller to choose?

That depends on what sailing boat you have, the engine and not least – your priorities!

A 2-blade propeller is more efficient than a 3-blade. Surprised? Well, most people are.
Thus, a properly sized 2-blade will give you a higher speed at a given RPM in flat water than a properly sized 3-blade. The 2-blade is also lower in drag and cheaper.

The 3-blade, because of its larger blade area, will accelerate the boat faster. This means a 3-blade is better around the docks, when powering against a head sea and when stopping.

Easy to install

All Flex-O-Fold’s are delivered complete, including tools, Loctite and easy to follow installation instructions.Fits directly on existing shaft, without modifications.

Corrosion Resistant

Hub and blades are made of Nickel Aluminium bronze. Pivot pins and bolts from Cr-Ni-Mo austeritic stainless steel (ANC4)


The blades are synchronised by patented, twin helical gears. Blade-stops are cushioned by strong polyurethane stops.


Sail drive Hub Oversized components secure a reliable transmission. All parts are locked together by a special foolproof system.


The pivot pins are secured by special, patented tapered lock bolts.

Flex-O-Fold Cruising Two Blade

This is the best Flex-O-Fold for most sailors, owing to the powerful thrust in forward and reverse.
The new blade design works efficiently in forward drive and the ideal weight distribution of the heavy blades provides excellent stopping power…

Flex-O-Fold Cruising 3 Blade

Sailors choose this model where there is a need for maximum thrust and least possible vibration.
The zinc anode covers the gears providing its normal protective function.

Flex-O-Fold Two Blade Racing

For the very lowest drag with excellent performance under power. A real winner!

Data Sheet Flex-O-Fold Propellers

2 Blade Shaftdrive Flex-O-Fold Fitting Instructions

2 Blade Saildrive Flex-O-Fold Fitting Instructions

3 Blade Shaftdrive Flex-O-Fold Fitting Instructions

3 Blade Saildrive Flex-O-Fold Fitting Instructions